Some thoughts about Portland that I never got around to writing about… Portland reminds me of Austin, Texas or Denver, Colorado.  It’s a city that feels young, lots of millennials out on their bikes or walking, dining at some of the non-snootiest places I’ve seen and generally being happy. VooDoo Doughnuts really are that good […]

Church Finance

May 26, 2016

Final reflections on Portland

Some thoughts on General Conference that I never got around to writing about… The diversity was amazing.  We had delegates from six continents (Antarctica was not represented) and we had seven official languages.  Live proceedings were translated into these five languages and we all had headphones like in the U.N.  At one point Bishop Streiff decided […]

Church Finance

May 26, 2016

Final reflections on General Conference

I gave myself five days before writing this post as an intentional time of reflection.  As I sat in the Portland Airport (the picture above is me waiting for my plane) I was exhausted, demoralized and skeptical.  After a rigorous schedule of naps, I am no longer exhausted.  I remain, to some extent, demoralized and […]

Church Finance

May 25, 2016

Post script

Wednesday morning before we were to consider the Bishops’ proposal of a way forward we did something different.  We prayed together.  No, praying together wasn’t that unusual, in last ten days we prayed more than an unprepared college student taking an Organic Chemistry final. We were asked to pray with folks we don’t usually talk […]

Church Finance

May 20, 2016

Save a church for me to serve

Each morning and most evenings I walk the mile and a half or so from my hotel to the Portland Convention Center.  I zig zag through downtown streets, go along the East Esplanade, an old industrial dock along the Willamette River.  Then I take the Steel Bridge across river then up the ramps and stairs […]

Church Finance

May 19, 2016

Lessons from the bike lane

Kay Panovec and Rev. Gary Henderson pray during a plenary session.  Photo Credit:  Rick Wolcott, East Ohio Annual Conference.   At the request of the General Conference, the Council of Bishops came back this morning with a proposal for a path forward.  They proposed that:  Form a special commission to conduct a complete examination and […]

Church Finance

May 18, 2016

An opportunity squandered

Photo Credit: Sue Zakovec, East Ohio Annual Conference In yesterday’s post I lamented the protests I had seen the day before.  They were, I wrote, unnecessary because General Conference bends over backward to make sure everyone has a chance to have their voice heard. In a world of social media I had enough “likes” and […]

Accountability, Church Leadership

May 18, 2016

A call to conversation

Photo by: Rick Wolcott, East Ohio Annual Conference General Conference has become known for many things:  incredible worship, a diverse audience, the chance to rub elbows with United Methodist thinkers and authors with names like Schnase, Hamilton and Slaughter. And in recent years, protests have been added to this list of things to be expected. […]

Church Finance

May 17, 2016

I protest the protests!

As I went to bed Saturday night I knew I needed to worship Sunday morning.  But I also knew that five days of more than 1,000 United Methodists was at least enough, so Google and I discussed my options.  I found a promising Presbyterian Church half a mile from my hotel. As I got to […]


May 16, 2016

Reflections on Worship

I had dinner last night with some other members of the East Ohio delegation after we all had a busy and at times frantic day in committees trying to get through our legislation.  They had heard the news about the Trust Clause but they all wanted to know the answer to the same question:  what […]

Church Leadership, Missions

May 15, 2016

The Trust Clause, part II