I was speaking with a pastor a few weeks ago and as we parted I felt very good about his church’s money culture. He was looking for resources he could share with his Finance Committee about healthy money cultures in churches. This happens sometimes when a church is in real trouble and the minister is […]

Church Finance

April 15, 2013

It ain’t about money

This post does not take sides in the ongoing debate about rights of homosexuals in our nation and our church. Please don’t pretend that it does. Conservative US Senator Rob Portman surprised many a few weeks ago when he announced that his position on gay marriage had changed. After learning that his son, Will, is […]

Church Finance

April 1, 2013

A lesson from Rob Portman

Get the right legs, under the right table, asking the right questions

Church Finance, Church Leadership

March 25, 2013

Table, balcony or patio, it doesn’t matter

As we are all aware, there are plenty of Americans sitting on couches on Sunday morning. Sure, some are coaching soccer, eating hash brown casserole at Cracker Barrel or walking in the park, but whatever it is they’re doing, what they’re not doing is coming to church. But once in a while, a few of […]

Church Finance

March 18, 2013

Why do they get off the couch?

Last week I posted about my distaste for most donor recognition programs in churches.  Based on some emails I have received, I want to make clear the difference between recognizing donors and acknowledging donors. Donor recognition publicly lifts up certain donors, such as a listing in the program at Playhouse Square or a giving tree […]

Church Finance

January 21, 2013

Donor Acknowledgement vs. Recognition

Earlier this week the Cleveland Browns announced that First Energy is paying huge money for the stadium to be named after the electric company.  It’s a win-win:  the Browns get a huge infusion of cash and First Energy gets some good PR and visibility in the community. This practice, of course, is not new.  When I was […]

Church Finance, Stewardship

January 17, 2013

Of Giving Trees and Plaques on the Wall

A week or two ago the family and I went to see Les Miserables at the movie theater.  We rarely go see a movie, but figured a classic story as a foundation for a great spectacle of show makes this worth seeing on the big screen rather than through the TV. It was a good […]

Church Finance

January 7, 2013

Les Miserables in our Community

While there was no shortage of news coverage of the fiscal cliff in the last week, there was one piece of the legislation that surprised me, and it is certainly good news to our churches and our members, especially those who are older. For 2013, we have the IRA Charitable Rollover back. This means that […]

Church Finance

January 3, 2013

Good News From The Fiscal Cliff

Last week Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha, addressed small business owners at a seminar in downtown Cleveland. As a fund raiser, I tend to pay attention when the third richest man in the world is in my neck of the woods.  But I wasn’t interested in his money (although I would have been happy […]

Church Finance

December 10, 2012

Advice to small businesses

David and Veronda Durden only wanted to make a gift to their church.  Now, because of a clerical error at the church, the couple is facing fines and other penalties for claiming a tax deduction they weren’t entitled to take. The Durdens gave $22,517 to their church through cash and checks.  No one disputes that […]

Church Finance

November 5, 2012

When the tax man cometh, will your members be OK?