I can only ask others to be tolerant of my beliefs if I am tolerant of theirs.

Church Finance

December 4, 2013

Why I’m OK with “Happy Holidays”

One of the great things about UMCOR is that every dollar you donate makes it to the relief site.  Whether it’s the Philippines, Indiana, Haiti or some not-yet-named place, the field volunteers get the full amount to work with, not the net after administrative fees. 100%  You can’t get much better than that, can you? […]

Church Finance

November 25, 2013

Double Dipping

A friend of mine recounted coming back to church, and it was beautiful.  There may have been some dry eyes in the house, but none of them belonged to me. She told the story of getting up on a Sunday morning a decade ago, putting her then three-year-old daughter in the back seat and setting […]

Church Finance

November 18, 2013

Feeling love this Advent season

It should not be news to anyone who is enough of a United Methodist geek to actually read my blog that the UMC and mainline protestant religion in general is on the decline. Fewer people are going to church and nondenominational mega churches are very much in vogue. But there is a new megachurch movement […]

Church Finance

November 11, 2013

A church full of nones

Yesterday was All Saints Day in most of our churches, a time when we honor and remember those members who passed away in the past year. You may have noticed some very strong emotions during that service. There are often tears as we miss those who are no longer with us. I often see smiles […]

Church Finance

November 4, 2013

For all the saints, who from their labors rest

Adam Hamilton is the rock star United Methodist pastor of Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, just outside of Kansas City. A few weeks ago he talked about the church’s vision for a new sanctuary. Now many pastors hope to get through their entire careers without facing the huge challenge of new worship space. […]

Church Finance

October 28, 2013

Communicating change

21 years. That’s a big difference. The average age of an American is 35 years. The average age of United Methodist is 56. 21 years. Methodists are, on average, an entire generation older than the rest of our nation. On one hand, this is a beautiful thing. Young families are expensive. We have to buy […]

Church Finance

October 21, 2013

Methodism needs some botox!

Decades ago in an attempt to inspire sacrificial giving, you might have heard the admonishment, “Give till it hurts.” But Dr. Jordan Grafman, Director of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, and a well-known neuroscientist suggest this is completely wrong. Dr. Grafman and his team used MRI technology to detect what parts of the brain are […]

Church Finance

October 14, 2013

Don’t Give Till It Hurts

I was recently part of a discussion about gifts of life insurance to the church and whether or not I like them. (I know, you’re amazed at how exciting my life is, aren’t you?) Given the question “Is life insurance a good gift to give the church?” My answer is a definitive maybe. It depends […]

Church Finance, Endowments, Stewardship

October 11, 2013

Insuring the Future

An estimated $16 billion dollars was embezzled worldwide by those in charge of churches and religious organizations in the year 2000. That’s according to Janet Jamieson, a member of the accounting faculty at the University of Dubuque and an expert on finances in local United Methodist churches. She’s also married to Phil Jamieson, an elder […]

Church Finance, Church Leadership

October 7, 2013

Trust your neighbor but cut the cards