Getting Back to Normal-ish

A funny thing happened to me last week.  I went to a meeting.  I didn’t log into a meeting.  I went there.  I put on long pants (not my favorite part), drove to the church, small talked then got to the purpose of our time together.  An hour later I was back in my car headed home.

It brought back some fond memories of bygone days.  And convinced me it’s time to start doing those things again.  With proper precautions and  a shared sense of mutual responsibility I believe they can be safe to do.

But what would we talk about?

If you have an investment account with the Foundation, this may be a great time to review your account.  Where is it invested?  What is it invested in?  What has happened in the last six months that you need to be aware of?  Does what made sense last year still make sense moving forward?  How do you encourage more contributions?

What has happened in your church’s stewardship program since March?  Many are surprised at the rate the church is receiving funds, some good and some bad.  What are the current best practices?

What about your endowment?  Has it been through the wringer?  Is it time to finally get one started in your church?  Have you realized how important your endowment is but you need to make some changes?  Does your current policy just not make sense anymore?  How do we talk to your people about giving through their wills and other planned giving techniques?

Foundation consultations are free of charge, confidential and always focused on the next steps necessary to move the project forward.  And we at the Foundation have a unique understanding of church best practices, United Methodist polity and federal and state regulations.

Do you care to meet by Zoom?  We can do that.  In-person meetings are fine as long as everyone is masked and other safety precautions are followed.  We can even meet by telephone.

This fall, let’s get back in the habit of connecting, of paying attention to those things in the life of your church that matter and make sure we continue to move forward.


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