By now I’m fairly sure that everyone who is doing a fall stewardship campaign has completed it. So give us all some feedback on what you did and how you did.  If you scroll down a bit, just above the big orange signs it says “Leave a comment” in red letters.  Or you can email […]

Church Finance, Church Leadership, Stewardship

November 29, 2010

Let’s all learn from each other

My neighborhood at home is off of a state route that is under major construction.  Just south of our street the road is closed.  Really, really closed.  So closed that the concrete is gone and the dirt is showing.  They don’t get more closed than that. This fact is announced in several signs before you […]

Church Finance, Church Leadership

November 22, 2010

Ignoring big orange signs?

I don’t know if you know it or not, but our denomination is in trouble.  Deep trouble. You’ve seen or heard the numbers.  Attendance is down, churches are closing, debt is up. So what are we supposed to do? A group of church leaders met throughout this past year to figure that out.  Our own […]

Church Leadership

November 15, 2010

We are all called to action

Wow, what a great response to last week’s post about electronic giving!  It was the most-read entry we’ve had in 12 weeks! One church member told me that his church does nearly all of its “transactions” with members electronically.  These are things other than the offering, like registering for VBS.  And the biggest fan is the […]

Church Finance, Church Leadership, Stewardship

November 8, 2010

Following up on electronic giving

A couple of weeks ago I reposted an article I did for the Joining Hands Magazine about electronic giving.  Thanks for all of the positive feedback and I wanted to answer for all of you the question I got most often, “How do I do it?” The good news is that it’s easier and cheaper […]

Church Finance, Church Leadership, Stewardship

November 1, 2010

Entering the 21st Century

By now your fall stewardship campaign may be over, for others that time is still a month or so away. Whatever your timeline, keep in mind that the day after your commitment Sunday does not indicate the end of the campaign. There is still work to be done. I strongly urge you to contact each […]

Church Finance, Church Leadership, Stewardship

October 25, 2010

The campaign has passed, but it’s not over

The good people in the Conference Communications Office asked me to contribute to the fall edition of Joining Hands Magazine. This issue deals with bridging the gap between generations and below are my thoughts. If you haven’t read it yet  or don’t receive a subscription you can read it on-line. In response to the earthquake […]

Church Finance, Church Leadership, Stewardship

October 11, 2010

Bridging the gap between generations

Churches in Africa do things a bit differently. From what I understand the offering is a time for great joy, as congregants celebrate that they have something to contribute. In remote areas where food and water are a daily struggle, having a li’l something extra to share is truly something special. We don’t really do […]

Church Finance, Church Leadership, Stewardship

October 4, 2010

Let’s Celebrate Stewardship, no seriously, I mean it

One of the key tasks in any stewardship campaign is writing The Letter. Sometimes The Letter is written by the committee, but usually by the pastor. Hours are spent wordsmithing, proof reading, getting a fresh pair of eyes on it to make sure nothing was skipped or could be misinterpreted. This year I encourage you […]

Church Finance, Church Leadership, Stewardship

September 27, 2010

Not all of your eggs go in the same basket

The old adage goes that you should be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.  In stewardship I believe there is a corollary, ask for what you want, there’s a good chance you’ll get it. Which raises the obvious question, what is it we should be asking for? I will tell you that […]

Church Finance, Stewardship

September 20, 2010

What should you ask for?