Few will be surprised that our website can be found under MethodistInvesting.org. After all, we manage more than $50 million in investments for local churches and other ministries. But that’s not where it ends. We invest in the leadership of East Ohio through educational programs and grants for clergy. In 2019 we took a group of 40 to the Holy Land to make the Gospels come alive for those who will spend their careers preaching from them. We invest through scholarships to undergraduate students who may see ministry as a profession or see their calling in the laity. Our Firebrand Scholarship makes a significant investment in seminary students who show great promise as transformational leaders. We invest in stewardship programs and education knowing that this investment is likely to be multiplied many fold and may be the key to local churches having the resources to in turn invest in the people who live in the shadow of the steeple. We invite you to spend some time on our site, learn more about how we invest in the future and invite you to join with us in that partnership.
We support the ministries of the East Ohio Annual Conference and its congregations by providing management for endowment and other long-term investments; by providing information and consulting for Christian stewardship and fund raising; and by providing funding for mission projects and leadership development.
Click the button below to view the events the Foundation is currently hosting. For registration questions, please contact Nicole Loyd.
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